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My message to you

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July 23, 2010
Posts: 144

PostPosted:     Post subject: My message to you
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I guess that I can write all day and night.When you have a open mind to just about any thing and every one.You will find out that in this life you are subject to communicate on all level, The willingness to know more .to try more. to receive more .to understand more. to see more,and to do more.I am that kind of person,I used to think that I was all alone but I sure I am not. I never met a person whom I did not like .I had met people in whom I don't like to be around. I love each and every one of God children.That just me Your make up is irrelevant to me.You and I have three main thing's in common,Which are we all need water,we all bleed, and we all have a appointment with death.The in between is what you do and as long as you do it well That's cool.I often wonder why people cannot love each other on this level? I sure that there are over a million reason yet I ask my self why must I be the one who love each and every body?, When a person is as wrong as two left shoe's in my heart and mind I quickly find a excuse for the reason that made him or her act the way they did.Sound's crazy but toss it in your mind and hopefully you will see where I am coming from.I am not crazy just love you all in spirit in spite of what ever my be your fault . In which we all have That's my message to you all( love) ,Let's pray always for one another.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`very powerful message, but I don't see what this has to do with writing. And when you say why must I be the one to love everyone, you aren't alone...there are billions of people on this earth and you are not the only one who respects and doesn't judge....

bless and love to you

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July 23, 2010
Posts: 144

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`Hello to you Writing has to deal with what's on one mind. I have been at this writing stuff since college in 1978 .Done good for my self .Yes I have published one book under my belt. To express your self is what writing is all about. To take a deep look at the thing you or someone else Deals with on a daily basic "s is what writing is all about. Rather it be two simple sentence , A four Page's letter .as long as you have your own thought, feeling ,and knowledge of what you are talking about or expressing that writing love .Take care Thanks for your input

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Posted:     Post subject:

`true writing is about expressing yourself but then in order to be published it needs to be channeled properly, it needs to be edited so that your audience can get the maximum out of your story...I re-read your post and your right, you're expressing your thoughts on writing...

for me writing is like exploring unknown worlds that fascinates me...pulling deepness of the soul mix with other kinds of stuff, like mythology and other mysteries...to pull the boundaries of what is real and unreal...

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July 23, 2010
Posts: 144

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`Hello again That is so true. I would love to read your writing. I do know that you too are very competitive with word's Which let me know that you are good in expressing your point of view That my friend is the beginning of writing creatively and You will do well as long as you can keep a open mind about thing's around you,To keep one's point of view clear,so one can concentrate on the ideal beforehand Thanks I love to see people who can relate and who is not afraid to give there opinion about what they read,That is cool bean's in my book Good luck .in what ever you do Sincerely

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Posted:     Post subject:

`There is a Stephen Sondheim song that advises a troubled artist to:

Stop worrying if your vision is new.
Let others make that decision . . .
they usually do!
You keep moving on...

And ends with:

Anything you do, let it come from you--
then it will be new.
Give us more to see.

Whenever I feel the least bit unsure...I return to that song. And I am renewed.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I really like those song lyrics. I can see why you return to this song. Kind of gives you a new perspective when your stressing out over whether what you've written is worthy.

I'm not a professional writer, I just like to write. And I always worry that what I am writing isn't original enough. Glad you introduced me to those lyrics though.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`@ OP: Air. You forgot about the need we all have for air. So...yeah.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Talking about writing...I like to write. I write mostly biographies and poems. My poems are taken out from real life. If I'm sad I get inspired as well as if I am happy. Sometimes things inspire me too. I would like to share with you'll one of the poems I publish on my book "POEMS FROM THE HEART" It is all about time and the clock. Titled:

The Clock

Clock you are going too fast.
you don't give me enough time.
I need you to make time last
so that I can slow down my mind.
If I didn't have anything
to measure my days and hours,
I will bet you I can devour
all the work I have to do
because just looking at you
I cannot accomplish them
I hardly can catch the train
of life and smell the flowers.

Stop! I do not like you.
I don't even like your inventor.
All my work is over due
since of life you are the center.
I want to do things at my pace.
I want to slowly progress,
but you're always in my face.
Looking at you gives me stress
so, I ask you, pretty please
forgive what I going to do.
I will live without your tic
and be happy without you!

I hope it made you laugh. That was the point.

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