My goals in life include, of course, getting married one day and having kids. I am looking for someone who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints like myself who wishes to be married in an LDS temple. I'm not in a hurry to get married and I'm not really that into online relationships, but I'm willing to see who's out there.

I am a very imaginative and creative individual and I love to create artistic things. I tend to keep to myself sometimes, but I keep a close circle of friends that I could never live without, I'm also very close to my beloved family. I'm not the typical girl. I'm really girly, but I'm pretty much against popular beauty treatments. I've never tanned, dyed my hair, and I rarely paint my nails (but it's fun sometimes). I take good care of myself and although I don't have "the perfect body", LOL, I like to get exercise regularly and eat healthy food. I'm very passionate about people, and quite the hopeless romantic. I could never see myself being one of those girls that just wants a guy to toss around and buy her nice things, LOL. I want a man to love me because I would freely devote myself to him and treat him respectfully and lovingly.

My favorite kinds of music include pop, pop/rock, swing music, and a little of this and that in tons of other genres as well. I'm not that picky, but I don't like country or rap usually.
I'd like a man who has my interests in common with me.